Tax Registrations made easy with Middesk + Dayforce

We’ve joined forces to help you register for payroll taxes across states.

Accounts dashboard

Register with states in minutes

Set up state unemployment and withholding accounts in minutes, instead of days. Our common application streamlines hundreds of confusing questions and intelligently pre-fills information for you.

Stay compliant as you grow

Let Middesk take on the burden of back-and-forth communications with state agencies. Rely on us to receive and process all of your postal mail from state agencies.

Use one source for government accounts

Middesk brings together all your state registrations. See the status of your applications in an easy-to-use dashboard and be notified when you need to take action.

Seamless handoff

Middesk will share your tax IDs directly with Dayforce, so you can rest easy and get set up for payroll on time.